This is the official website of The Downs Benefice Winchester, Hampshire.


Notices in brief...

For all the notices and more information, please see our Notices page

In Emergency 

The Benefice Office

(01962 880 845 / is open from 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays,  however if you need to contact a minister in an emergency outside of these hours, please call either:

Revd Kevin Rogers: 07584 162 594


Benefice Office: 07857 512 053

Further information about the phone line is available


The Downs Benefice Safeguarding Information and Contacts

If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from a Safeguarding Advisor or if necessary report the matter to the Local Authority Social Care Services or the Police without delay.


If you have any concerns please email the appropriate Safeguarding Officer 

(email addresses below)


Chilbolton -


Crawley -


Littleton -


Sparsholt -


Wherwell -



or contact the Safeguarding Administrator c/o The Benefice Office

Tel: 01962 880 845 - Email: Downs Benefice Safeguarding 

Prayer Requests

If you have any prayer requests, for any concerns lying on your heart or to give thanks, please email the office on

All prayer requests will be made anonymous before being passed on  to our Prayer Team.

Parish Magazine Deadline

Copy for April/May edition of the Benefice Parish Magazine should be submitted by 12.00 noon - Friday 7th March.

Sunday 2nd March

The Sunday Next before Lent


10am - Morning Worship - Chilbolton

10am - Holy Communion - Crawley

4pm - Bubble Church - Chilbolton

4pm - Café Church - Littleton (in the Church Room)


Please click on the Sunday Services tab (above) for details of services going forward.

2nd March 2025

'Church service for little ones every Sunday!’

4pm at St Mary-the-Less, Chilbolton


Bubble Church is a Sunday church service especially for babies, toddlers, and

young families. It's a puppet-packed, Jesus-centred, coffee-and-food fuelled,

30-minute kids and families adventure.


Here's the deal: you turn up 10 mins before it starts for a snack and coffee, 

then you'll be guided to a 'bubble', and you and your little

ones will share in 30 mins of song, story, puppets, and prayer.


Book NOW!

Lent Study Course - 2025

The Book of Ruth

Starting the week commencing 2nd March for 6 consecutive weeks.

Meeting every week in 5 different locations across the Benefice to look at the book of Ruth. The groups are following the same material.

Please contact the leader of the group you would like to join for the 6 weeks for catering and planning purposes. If you are unable to attend your chosen group for a particular week, you are encouraged to attend another group for that week, so you don’t miss out.             

See you there!





Contact details

Michael & Carol Coleman

Tuesday evening



01962 881886

Susan Ansell




Via the Benefice Office – 01962 880 845

Jemma Mack & Mark Himbury




07956 371433

Charlotte Nash




Via the Benefice Office – 01962 880 845

Felicity Gillibrand




Via the Benefice Office – 01962 880 845


St Catherine's, Church, Littleton, Winchester

are looking for an Anna Chaplain

(P/T 16 hours per week, 3 years fixed term)

For more details, please click Anna Chaplain

Our Churches are open for Individual Private Prayer at these times:

St Mary the Less, Chilbolton All day  Every day
St Mary's, Crawley All day Every day
St Catherine's, Littleton All day Every day
St Stephen's, Sparsholt 10am - 4pm Every day
St Peter & Holy Cross, Wherwell 10am - 4pm Every day

Benefice Mission Partner


Our Benefice supports Karis Kids

Karis Kids



Karis Kids is an initiative, started in 2007, which brings hope to children orphaned by AIDS in Uganda.  The Christian charity integrates these children into, and supports them with, adoptive families.  The aim is to place orphans with the families of relatives, but when this is not possible, then with other households in the local church, St Paul's, Kampala. The majority of those in the parish live in the Okuvu slum, and this is one of the poorest areas of Kampala. 


Across the Downs

If you would like to receive our weekly Benefice Newsletter, please email the office so you can be added to the distribution list.

This Week's Newsletter

Last Week's Newsletter

Parish and Village Magazines

Sparsholt Village Newsletter

Chilbolton and Wherwell Village Magazine

  Resources for Children and Families


    Resources for   Wellbeing


Please visit our Wellbeing page to see request from Youth Options for help and support


The Five Parish Churches in the Downs Benefice

For a short history and photos of each church please click on the images below.

St Mary the Less


St Mary's


St Catherine's


St Stephen's


St Peter and Holy Cross



St Mary the Less Chilbolton

Village Street, Chilbolton, Hampshire, SO20 6BQ

St Mary's Crawley

Main Road, Crawley, Hampshire, SO21 2PZ

St Catherine's Littleton

Main Road, Littleton, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 6QY

St Stephen's Sparsholt with Lainston

Church Lane, Sparsholt, Hampshire, SO21 2NJ

St Peter and Holy Cross Wherwell

Church Street, Wherwell, Hampshire, SP11 7JJ

In this Benefice we welcome everyone to our altars during communion.

Communicant members from all denominations are most welcome and others are invited for a blessing.