This is the official website of The Downs Benefice Winchester, Hampshire.

Littleton Mission Links

Notices in brief...

For all the notices and more information, please see our Notices page

In Emergency 

The Benefice Office

(01962 880 845 / is open from 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Fridays,  however if you need to contact a minister in an emergency outside of these hours, please call either:

Revd Kevin Rogers: 07584 162 594


Benefice Office: 07857 512 053

Further information about the phone line is available


The Downs Benefice Safeguarding Information and Contacts

If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from a Safeguarding Advisor or if necessary report the matter to the Local Authority Social Care Services or the Police without delay.


If you have any concerns please email the appropriate Safeguarding Officer 

(email addresses below)


Chilbolton -


Crawley -


Littleton -


Sparsholt -


Wherwell -



or contact the Safeguarding Administrator c/o The Benefice Office

Tel: 01962 880 845 - Email: Downs Benefice Safeguarding 

Prayer Requests

If you have any prayer requests, for any concerns lying on your heart or to give thanks, please email the office on

All prayer requests will be made anonymous before being passed on  to our Prayer Team.

Parish Magazine Deadline

Copy for April/May edition of the Benefice Parish Magazine should be submitted by 12.00 noon - Friday 7th March.

St Catherines, Littleton


St Catherine's Mission Support Group

A small group of parisioners meet alternate months, on a Monday afternoons from 4-5pm, to share news from, and pray together for, our mission contacts. For further details, please contact Alan Disher: 01962 869985.


St Catherine's Church Mission prayer diary

St Catherine's produces a mission prayer diary every 2 months which we hope will help our church family in focussing our prayers in support of our mission interests. The diary is available in electronic or paper format. Please contact Carol Ward: 01962 883185

Mission Prayer Diary


Chris & Kesia Pain, OMF International, Japan               

Chris and Kesia are the Field Directors for OMF Japan serving the team of 120+ missionaries and building partnerships with the Japanese Church.     The family (including children Caleb, Jonathan, Carys and Megumi) also seek opportunities to reach out to their neighbours and friends, and are involved with the local church.  Chris’s mother lives locally, in Bishops Waltham, and is known to many of our community, and this gives us the opportunity to meet up with the family when they are visiting UK.

For up to date monthly information about the work in Japan please click on the link below. 


If you wish to receive Chris and Kesia’s prayer letters please contact Carol Ward

OMF Japan

St Catherine’s contact - Carol Ward                                                                                                                                                                      



Our link with Tearfund was initiated by Kevin Lay, a church warden at St Catherine’s, Littleton, who died tragically in a plane crash in Kosovo in 1999. He was on his way to work with Tear Fund, a Christian aid agency, rebuilding property for homeless refugees, as a member of their Disasters Response Team.


St Catherine’s contact - Carol Ward


Ben and Esther Brown, MAF (Mission Aviation Fellowship), Arnhem Land, N Australia

MAF uses planes to transform the lives of the world's most isolated people in need. Flying onto desert and jungle airstrips, lakes and rivers, tracks and roads, MAF works in partnership with other Christian and relief organisations enabling practical help, physical healing, and spiritual hope to be delivered to many of the most remote and inaccessible communities on the planet.

Our links with MAF go back many years as we initially supported, and were visited by, the Nason family followed by Jill and Greg Vine, both serving God in Kampala, Uganda.  Following the Vines return to UK in 2022 we were introduced by MAF to a young couple Ben and Esther, living locally near Salisbury, who were beginning their journey of ministry with MAF.  Following a short period of training and preparation Ben and Esther left for Arnhem Land, northern Australia, with their two young sons Barny and Reuben in April 2023.

St Catherine’s contact – Hilary and Jan Shaw

MAF website

MAF Newsletter

St Catherine’s contacts – Hilary and Jan Shaw 


Open Doors

Open Doors originated almost seventy years ago, in 1955, when a young Dutchman started smuggling Bibles to the persecuted church in Communist Europe.

He became known as Brother Andrew. 

Open Doors supports persecuted Christians with Bibles, Christian materials, training, livelihood skills, advocacy - and in a whole host of other ways - so that they know they are not forgotten and can stand strong to serve their communities.

Open Doors


The Brickworks, working in

South Sudan

John and Poppy Spens, who used to live locally within the parish, worked in South Sudan for nearly five years from 2006 to 2011. Poppy developed several health programmes while John initially coordinated a vocational training college and micro enterprise scheme and later managed a number of school construction and water and sanitation projects. In 2008, they founded The Brickworks and in 2009 The Brickworks became a registered UK charity. The purpose of The Brickworks is to raise money to support projects in South Sudan.

The Brickworks     

Brickworks Newsletter

St Catherine’s contact – Carol Ward


Father Winston Williams, 







In 1978, Revd John Dorman, an Anglican missionary in Guyana, became convinced that the priestly ministry in the hinterland would be better served by training indigenous Amerindians. Eventually 12 catechists were recommended by their local communities for traning, of which one was the 27 year old Winston Williams. In 1991 John Dorman had to come to England for medical treatment and decided to bring Winston with him to give him the opportunity to experience other traditions of prayer and devotion and during this time he was able to visit St Catherine's.

Winston's 'Parish' is enormous and a lot of travel can only be done by boat. He is deeply concerned for the young people in Jawalla, particularly the influence on their lives and behaviour of migrant labour brought in my the Mining Companies. St Catherine's prayer support as well as the annual monetary gift are greatly appreciated by the church in Jawalla and we should give thanks for the dedication of this faithful man of God who has persevered for so many years in His service.

St Catherine's contact - Christine Disher


Bishop Nick & Catherine Drayson,

CMS (Church Mission Society), Argentina 

Nick and Catherine have recently (June 2023) returned to the UK after serving God faithfully in Northern Argentina where Nick was Bishop of Northern Argentina and Primate of the Province of South America.  Catherine coordinated the  AMARE women’s organisation across the Province.

Church Mission Society

Letter from the Draysons - August 2023

St Catherine’s contact – Dr Alan Disher